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Sir my business is of commission for Readymade Garments Sarees ,I work for wholesale Market in whole India, the customers from abroad come to me for purchase and I help them to get the best goods which they require, I take them to all the Garments markets through out India like Kolkata,Banaras,Delhi, Ahmedabad,Surat,Mumbai,Bangalore,Nagpur,Indore etc. I personally go with them to purchase the various goods from the above cities, and now I am interested to work with you , you will be purchasing the goods from any parties or any Agents , that I don’t boughter what you do, so I tell you that once you work with me I will take you to various cities in India for the market survey from which you will come to know what kind of goods we produce and the price for those good that you can purchase from me ,and I surely tell you the it will benefit you and you can compare our products and price with the party or agent from which you are buying currently and see that I am providing you those products in cheap or not and after comparison if you are satisfied with my products price then you can decide to purchase the products from me I am sending this message to you for your benefit, remember it after a market survey ,if you are not satisfied then its not compulsory that we should work together, you can follow your current business. I deal with the goods like Ladies Wear, Girls Wear, Kids Wear, Mens Wear, Boys wear, Under Garments, and for All India Any Market and Any Item, so once you do business with us you will come to know that what type of goods at what rate your buying from us compared to others and the parties from Dubai , Malaysia ,and Gulf Countries come here and purchase the goods in huge quantity from me. So you can also decide to work with us . Our Offices are located at Bangalore, Nagpur, Kolkata, Delhi, and Surat. Name = Ajay Singh Mob no.= +919019502541 E-mail id= ajay.damu@gmail.com ajay.damu@yahoo.com

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