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Sub: Proposal for supply of Manpower on Contract at your Office. This refers to our discussion, we hereby give our services and quotation as follows:- THE SERVICES INCLUSIVE OF : 1) Selecting trained and experienced personnel with suitable requirement. 2) Adequate supervision is done for all the works and the work is completed within the allotted time. 3) We would take care of all administrative work to be carried out on daily/weekly/monthly basis. 4) We would maintain Muster Register, Salary Register, Leave Record, Account Register, Muster Card of manpower supplied on contract basis. 5) We would also maintain Monthly/Yearly Statement of Account, Monthly visit. 6) We shall take care of all administrative expenses in this regard. 7) Salary breakup of the personnel is enclosed herewith as per Minimum Wages Act. QUOTATION, TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1) We shall charge service charges on the total billing amount as follows: Manpower Service Charges Up to 100 15% Up to 300 12% Above 300 10% 2) We would charge a one time recruitment fee of Rs.1,000/- per depute. 3) We would replace depute free of cost in case any depute selected by you, from United Associates, leaves during the first month of the contract period. 4) If your company chooses to absorb the depute under our contract on its permanent / temporary rolls during the deputation, you shall pay us a one time recruitment fee equivalent of 8.33% of the annual CTC. 5) If any payments done on behalf of the client to our deputes, the same shall be reimbursed to us along with 5% service charges on the amount paid. 6) We would abide by all the statutory obligations and pay under minimum wages act which shall reimbursed to us by you. 7) Cost to the Company of the deputes would comprise of . Basic and other components comprising of allowances and benefits. 8) The contract will be for a minimum period of one year. Either of the party could terminate the contract, during its tenure, by mutual consent and agreement. In such an event, one months notice in writing or notice pay will have to be provided to us. 9) The daily duty of our employee will be of eight hours duration. However, if such works involve more than eight hours; management will have to pay overtime for the extra duration. Such extra duties must be authorized, in writing, by the Manager of the establishment. As per Minimum Wages Act, you shall provide one weekly off per employee. 10) We shall pay salary and statutory compliances and then raise bills which shall be paid within 10 days from the date of submission of our bills. 11) Any raise in Minimum Wages Act shall be paid to the employees and reimbursed to us. Hope you would repose the same trust in us by giving us the prestige of handling administrative functions and services of your company. Looking forward for an opportunity and long association ahead with you. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For Delhi Manpower Outsourcing ( DMPO) JAI SINGH Mo. 9818998997 .9560003768 dmposervice@gmail.com delhi.jai@gmail.com

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